16 February 2011


I've been thinking about 'party' a lot lately. A glam night, a special occasions with a lot of people you are so aware of your appearance. Being away from those moments for a bit, I guess I just needed to remind myself how things like jewelry could add up to our confidence.

I'm coming up with all beloved newbies. They are new, they are neat, and 'yes!' they are GLAM!^^ My aim is for anyone who wear them feel certain level of confidence as in, "YES! I'M LOOKING PRETTY TODAY!" sort of thing. Second, I've just completed my online portfolio, Facebook page, and online store all linked up together. Check them out.

Note: All these jewelry on this blog are likely to be in my online store-SATHEM JEWELLERY. If you like the way they look, feel free to head there and check out their prices.^^

Here are some of the pics I captured.

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